Jalebi Recipe
Experience the delightful twist and turn of Jalebi, a classic Indian dessert that tantalizes with its vibrant color and sweet taste.
For the Batter:
- 1 cup maida flour
- 1 tsp yogurt
- 2 tsp urad flour
- 2 tsp oil
- A pinch of yellow food coloring
- Oil for deep frying
For the Sugar Syrup:
- 1 cup sugar
- ½ cup water
- 2 tsp lemon juice
1. In a mixing bowl, combine maida flour, yogurt, urad flour, and oil. Stir until it reaches a consistency similar to dosa batter. Once mixed, cover the bowl and let the batter sit overnight.
2. By morning, the batter will have fermented slightly. Stir in the yellow food coloring until it's uniformly mixed.
3. To prepare for frying, pour the batter into an old cotton handkerchief with a small hole cut in the center. This will act as your piping bag.
4. Heat oil in a deep frying pan. Holding the edges of the handkerchief, gently squeeze to pipe the batter into the oil, forming concentric circles or spiral shapes typical of jalebi.
5. Fry the jalebis until they're a golden brown, then remove from the oil.
6. For the sugar syrup, combine sugar and water in a pan. Heat until the sugar dissolves and the mixture becomes syrupy. Stir in the lemon juice to prevent crystallization.
7. While still hot, dip the fried jalebis into the sugar syrup, ensuring they're fully coated. Drain any excess syrup.
Serve the jalebis warm, preferably with milk, and enjoy this delightful sweet treat!